MunirUNT(Munir Chowdhury)
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I hav an uncanny feeling that the evil tramps face has been so hardly kicked just the way a gay wud hav been in any muslim country that the evil needs the ultimate 2 bring hell on me or he risks his worthless life like theressa n tony mofo 3rd sob abott, being retard never got suckling except american dick sized ugly. trumps nose look alike clits. The things its trying me 2 forget n not write - increase censoring my wiritings from 99% to 101%. Go thru the blogspot posts n some https://www.munirchowdhury.WordPress.com posts 2 understand how slowly, vindictively, fakingly,evil n cunningly this best selected evil's presidency thrives n passes on under evil camouflage so that the world becomes evil under so called americanism which is nothing but fulfilling vows to devil.
https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6910459334520280347#allposts/src=sidebarhttps://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6910459334520280347#allposts/src=sidebar https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6910459334520280347#allposts/src=sidebar
I hav an uncanny feeling that the evil tramps face has been so hardly kicked just the way a gay wud hav been in any muslim country that the evil needs the ultimate 2 bring hell on me or he risks his worthless life like theressa n tony mofo 3rd sob abott, being retard never got suckling except american dick sized ugly. trumps nose look alike clits. The things its trying me 2 forget n not write - increase censoring my wiritings from 99% to 101%. Go thru the blogspot posts n some https://www.munirchowdhury.WordPress.com posts 2 understand how slowly, vindictively, fakingly,evil n cunningly this best selected evil's presidency thrives n passes on under evil camouflage so that the world becomes evil under so called americanism which is nothing but fulfilling vows to devil.