Those were removed from snapchat bcoz I wudnt tolerate censoring government of USA from my comments a very important 1. When I retried after informing Snapchat, the brainless idiot, who knows which1 of the ex's of Sam evils assigned by the sitting 1, lost its cool n deleted the app followed by bharot nattom n blashphemous american church sermons. Amidst all these american devine rituals all of a sudden it found its hypocratic cool mask bak, 2 prove only way 2b a winner is 2 chant like.evil Americans, their favorite filthy dances n 2 whip the Sam iblis by telling the world - so b it u whipped ovalevil, all my foot shytwan.
The evils latest additions of brutal mutiliation attempts failure is written above under the raise hands evil djt sent pic 2 fool every1 under the disguise of neutral new (only for evils) presidency which is more matured than 1,460 days of evils, falsifications n crookedness nartured over generations of evil build ups that found its perfection in the presidency.
Won't u say wot u tried yday 2 show among all other evil reasons that u r not behind the publisher game starting from the beginning? (wasnt in the 1st torture confession written just for twitter. Later the above para was added). Wud u tell the world yor evil ulterior motives of becoming a non censoring idiot from time 2 time?
PS: a Muslim acting evil opened its ultimate hypocrisy act intended taking revenge for American presesidents n the crusader terrorist bankers after I opened their evil collusion with names in the public. After finishing the above when ready 2 post, it was put in2 imnediate evil revenge, story making, further blog writing, various necessity creating evil fuck faced djts (i wud hav said like he says a face that looks like his evil fag fathers rotten asshole) all tortures repeated time buying evil acts of failure 1 after another with must let the world know I exploit the morality 1st evil Islamic consistency either ways.
In the scrernshot it proves 2 the world how the evil president wanted 2 show this evil good by trying 3 programs to upload the mentioned contents, all but lies by the 2 2 hide probably some other evils awaiting. They r instigating me continuously under torture agitations, thretening death by saying I m killing evil americans n djts mother tot 2 her retard sons power flexing worst than street boys language. Notable 2 give his last pic the evil of the evils is bak 2 a suited booted american president with the opportunist evil mind I will c u in the future for eoposing me an evil of all evil nations, jinns, n. americs that likes it presidents 2b best evils.