Dialogue - We Need Extra-Ordinary Imams
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Reposting after 28/2/18 bcoz:
Quite a few important lines disappeared with shrewdly showing continuity of writing.
The topic is both hijabi & non hijabi women showing themselves in media, public & elsewhere - aren't they both considered unveiled? According to law when a crime is committed it dosen't look at the dress of the alledged criminal, rather it looks at the circumstantial evidences, witnesses etc. to find out whether a person is guilty or not within the laws applicable.
The topic is both hijabi & non hijabi women showing themselves in media, public & elsewhere - aren't they both considered unveiled? According to law when a crime is committed it dosen't look at the dress of the alledged criminal, rather it looks at the circumstantial evidences, witnesses etc. to find out whether a person is guilty or not within the laws applicable.The topic is both hijabi & non hijabi women showing themselves in media, public & elsewhere - aren't they both considered unveiled? According to law when a crime is committed it dosen't look at the dress of the alledged criminal, rather it looks at the circumstantial evidences, witnesses etc. to find out whether a person is guilty or not within the laws applicable.
Similarly, sha'ria - the law says the fundamental is that there shud allways be veils between men & women, while men are expected to be the bread earners & to work outside their homes, womens are expected to stay at home (primarily for the veiling) & take care of their families. Now, when a woman comes out of her house with hijab, it is permissable depending on the urgency, unavailabiliy of a man to perform the task etc.. If a woman comes out of her house to perform a task which cud have been easily performed by a male member of the family if waited upon then the law is broken. Whether she is wearing hijab, jibab etc. are irrelevant. bcoz the woman according to the law shud not have, in the first place, come out but shud have waited & asked the male members of her family to have the arrands or wotever needs to b done to b completed for her. The law will find her guilty had she come out to perform the task without waiting. This is the perfect case of the women of present era who r taking lame excuses to come out of the house saying covering in hijabs, jibabs etc. is sufficient to comply veiling. it is absurd. bcoz the qur'an & sunnahs of prophet mohammad saw's female family members clearly contradicts to the excuses given by the women of today. So they will b looked upon as law violating muslimahs subject to punishments.
Another important issue that needs to b addressed is that the equal rites, women empowerment organizations etc's defends the modernist muslim females by giving them ideas. they teach them that the laws of islam r invalid - saying the women r equally capable of being educated as men, not mentioning by a co-educational institute which violates veiling laws & are haram.
All female universities are rare these days. those few who are attending attending them are not in violation of law for going out of their houses in quest of knowledge, maintaining veils. Now with that it seems to b that women's higher education is permissable thus worthwhile, until u think that there is hardly any industry out there that are in compliance with the veiling laws in their work environment. eventhough all the women seeking higher education are intending to seek jobs competing & working with men. Isn't that violation of the law? While women can equally (allmost) contribute to the GDP of a country as they say, the consideration here is which is the priority - strictly upholding the basic laws or the greed of double income in a household, behind which is hidden all the worldly wonts?
Finally, then the purest of all the reasons - an educated mother is allways a better mother than an uneducated one. we are yet to see the proof since being a good, intelligent, virtuous mother needs a good mothers training & a pious father ensuring an environment where the girl can grow up within veils yet earn knowledge, rather encouraged. in this mix of ideal environment she acquires qualities that no educational institutes can provide. hence a good mother with better education is a win- win. but does this greedy, materialistic world allow todays women to b the mothers like the virtuous mothers of some notable & respectable muslim scholars who are regarded as best teachers even today & will probably remain so inshallah for the time immemorial? isn't it's sufficient to prove that not necessarily education but its the training a woman gets overall that gifts the world names like abdul quader, imams bukhari, hanafi, malik & many more? dosen't history say that allmost illeterate mothers of these outstanding humans were the driving force in creating these prophetic humans? even after that how dare a muslim society cheats their daughters & sisters by sending them to haram education so that they can b promised as dowries for the families to b ensued? it is not the tradition of islam to ask their women to b concubines for the society they live in.
Lets not fall for false pride dear muslimahs. refind ur blessed womanhood in islam by not being fooled by false excuses promoted for u by the kafirs. that way u loose the unlimited rahmah & barakah that allah has sown inside u & keeps it hidden to b safe so that u can harvest & cultivate them in the ploughing process he has very clearly explained in quran & thru his messenger mohammad saw. the analogy used in the qur'an is like one who gets the best produce from the land is the one who has knowledge of the soil, when (season) to start the process of cultivation (the rules for ploughing, seed sowing, watering, pest controlling, weeding etc) & the best way of retrieving the produces from the field. who had initially taught all these to humans? of course allahs earliest prophets who were instructed by malaikas. who else can give the best ways of operating his invented thing knowing its limitations & potentials? when it comes to ashraful makhlukat or greatest of all creations by allah, y follow man made manuals when u hav quran & sunnah? isn't it time to abandon the false & reclaim ur pride? don't u think the world is gone back allmost to the dark ages & u can inshallah revive it back to the light of islam? please say u can & commit that inshallah u will.
Dear muslimahs the budding imams, muftis, ulemas, scholars r ur future sons r lying inside u who can & inshallah will change the course of civilization from greed & obscenity to benevolence & purity. innovations will not b only for consumption ignoring unlimited whirlpool of indecency & immorality creating uncontrollable lusts & temptations which cannot even b overlooked by muslims with untainted characters & most balanced minds. in the camofludge the immoral technology owners take carbon copies of wot everyone thinks their legally secured privacy but awaiting to b used against them. please refer to my previous posts where i had exposed their dirty minds & ambitions with solid evidences but still they didn't deter. looks like they had taken it as a challenge until they think they can "trash" me as syed kutub or osama laden. this is truly a dark chapter in human history & muslims as well as the humanity at large is being enslaved by a few lunatic, ethicless, ruthless, shytwan chosen political clowns, dangerously liars without conscious evil mongers. for the sake of u, ur family, the ummah & truly the about to b fallen fort of decent humanity prepare urself so that u can inshallah train ur sons like the mothers of above mentioned respected muslims & b the catalyst in spreading allahs hedayah & make it a world of enlightment.
Jazaki allah khairan.
P.S.: In loving & caring memory of my mother Latifun Nehar Chowdhury, inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun. she left us on april 01, 2016.
Originally posted in the website (owned by me):
Originally posted in the website (owned by me):